Era la época de los caballeros y los reyes, cuando el honor pertenecía a los héroes y la gloria se encontraba en el campo de batalla. Allí vivía un valiente joven llamado Francisco, cuyo deseo era convertirse en un poderoso guerrero y conquistar un magnífico castillo.
El joven Ben-Hur y Messala eran los mejores amigos. Les encantaba competir en carreras de carros. Un día, Messala tuvo que dejar Jerusalén y a su amigo judío para estudiar en Roma y convertirse en oficial romano.
La pequeña Angie estaba segura de que tenía un ángel de la guarda. Durante las vacaciones familiares en las escarpadas montañas de San Miguel, ocurrió algo que hizo que esa pregunta fuera realmente importante y convirtió sus vacaciones en algo que nunca olvidarían.
Lukas met Jesus and witnessed many of his miracles! Now, together with his friends, he tells us the greatest stories of the lives of the Saints in a world of music and fun, while we learn enduring values.
Little Angie was sure she had a guardian angel. On their family vacation in the rugged San Miguel Mountains, something happened that made the question very important indeed, and made their vacation one they would never forget.
Young Ben-Hur and Messala were the best of friends. They loved to race chariots. One day, Messala had to leave Jerusalem and his Jewish friend, to study in Rome and become a Roman officer.
It was the age of knights and kings, when honor belonged to the heroes and glory was found in the battle field. There lived a brave young man named Francis, who wish was to become a mighty warrior and conquer a magnificent castle.